To ad insult to serious injury, I used to have friends that stored my property. I have no place to store my stuff. So, I’ll probably loose all my property.
I’m basically screwed. I don’t know where my property will go. I will have to go back to The Mission to live. And I’m worse off now than I was when I started to get sober.
I figure I’ve got two weeks before I’m escorted out of this place I just recently called home.
Without Wax,
Honey, pray! God has a plan and the plan is good. Pray, pray, ask others for help and pray some more.
Oh yeah, get to a meeting and talk about what is going on with you.
Go to a meeting and then take what time you have and come up with a plan for your next steps. Be flexible and don't give up.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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