Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lack of Care

Originally uploaded by Ruben Silva
There is no pure solution to addiction. I am addicted to alcohol at this time. I’ve seen friends successfully abstain from substances only to find another, albeit much less destructive habit, that possessed their lifestyle. Some have changed their way of thinking for life, some have made A.A. their life. None have ever become normal again.

Neural pathways are like that. You get into a habit that rewards you and if you don’t have any other reason, you just go for it! You just keep doing it.

This other reason may be religious upbringing or pure discipline initially. Some people notice their character defect and put up, what I would call barriers, but for lack of sense, we drink. These other people are called ‘normies’.

I searched the Internet to find an A.A. definition that I could link to and found nothing that could really define what I thought was a proper description of a normie.

normie: a person who can feel the need to stop drinking (or using) because of some fear of loosing complete control.

Loosing control, for a normie is what they seek, but in a limited way. Okay, this is in a point of view from an addict like me: Normies have this fear zone which allows them to not go past any given point, even if they are inebriated. When they loose control, they want some kind of social acceptance that it is Okay. A boyfriend, group of peers, or strangers at a bar may cokes them into acceptance.

After that, if a person does not have a disciplined set of values to fall back on, he/she may resort to what feels best. Guys like me seek out women that have those values. It’s a standard A.A. trait. It’s in the Big Book, somewhere. Often, alcoholic men find wonderful women (like I did with June W.) that adore them. I mean, she doesn’t adore me anymore.

I feel June W. did have that required set of values. She grew up surrounded by a the constant pluses and minus of desire and success. She learned what worked, but most importantly, she learned what failed. She learned how to avoid that.

That, is what kept her from becoming an addict.

She had every temptation available and yet she deflected it. She had good upbringing. That’s why guys like me seek out women like her because we lack family values. In learning that we don’t, we often build these extended families.

In my case, it didn’t work. I may be the extreme when it comes to taking things to their limits. June learned that – eventually; too late for her.

I say that because I knew her when she was at her prime. She was so excited about the world like no one to put her down. She’s almost always been like that. She explained to me one time when she lost a job for the first time in her life and she was devastated. Her husband at the time had to console her.

I’m different. I’ve had many failures and have learned from them early in life. Those lessons have been important. I find any failure as the most important, even valuable lesson one can ever have. If it happens at a company, it is their value. You now have an employee that may never make that valuable mistake again…or at least that’s the way I see it.

To June, any mistake is a complete failure that requires Catholic pendants.

I talk about June now because I’ve found I need her. And yet, I’ve screwed her.

I did a bad thing. I stayed sober for five months, then asked a favor. I was close to getting a job and needed to be prepared. I asked for some money, in credit, and she gave it to me, in cash. I saw it in alcohol. The math went into effect immediately. It was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do with her money and what I wanted to happen to my life. I translated the cash she gave me into the number of bottles of whiskey I could buy.

I asked her for credit to get my life back going…iron, ironing board, toiletries, etc. I asked for a way for me to created a line of credit, through her. She didn’t understand. I wanted a legitimate line of credit. But, it was much simpler for her to just advance me $120.00 in cash and avoid the entire shopping spree for her embarrassing homeless ex-husband.

I did the terrible thing of using these funds to buy alcohol and get kicked out of my housing. I told June. She responded:

“Nice job…I see what [you] did with money you FUCKER…don’t call or email me ever again!!! Have a great life!!!!!1”

There is no way out of that type of apology. She enabled me and I drank it. I don’t believe I’ll ever hear from June again.

This is what we do. We loose friends, lovers, co-workers, all because we can’t get over the fact that we sometimes have no one other than the bottle to go to when we are sad. Once those neural pathways are established, we’re screwed. It will take the next lifetime to erased them, and if there are any loved ones left around, it may be possible for them to have a normal live.

But for me, I’ve had none. June was it, and she’s found another ‘normal’ life. I don’t blame her. She deserves it after being with me.

There’s no way out after you’ve become alcoholic. You’re screwed.

-- Without Wax


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

we are a lot less screwed than someone with advanced pancreatic cancer tumors. what we suffer from is entirely treatable. plus requires no surgery. and is free! there are many people with cancers and what have you that would LOVE to have as treatable an illness as alcoholism.
so we are not really screwed. alcoholism is very do-able, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Fenris_ulf said...

Do not give up hope. Never stop trying to find a better life.

Anonymous said...

Stop focusing on June! She can't save you...nobody can. Take that energy and apply it to yourself. You can choose LIFE instead of feeling sorry for yourself. Ok, you did screw up, now what about tomorrow? Choose your destiny for one day at a time. (or hour) Stay Cool, brother! Hold you head up high! You are on this earth for a purpose, perhaps you need to start your next journey and discover how beautiful things can be when you choose sobriety.

Mike L. said...

Dealing with the wreckage you've created with/in June is something for another seems to me. I'd suggest that you focus you efforts within: within you. And then, gradually, work your way out.

I'm not sure what a so-called "normie" is and don't spend effort thinking about it any more. Not sure if it has ever been an effective strategy to distinguish myself from others by name calling or labelling "them" as something different and apart of "me". I am a normie in the sense that I'm a normal alcoholic. June may be a normie in the sense that she's a normal non-alcoholic: and her reaction to your betrayal (that's what your actions were in terms of your relationship with June) is also quite normal in the sense that she (and you) are a normal human being.

Personally, I'd leave June alone and work on your more immediate issues: you. If you are successful at getting/staying sober, working through the process of recovery and finding a new way of living that gives you what you've always been searching for---there will come a place and a time to deal with June and it will happen in its own schedule.

My experience? When I took care of myself and worked on me, all those other issues and relationships seemed to repair themselves with very little intentional or directed effort on my part.

Take care!

Mike L

sincerelysober said...

Thanks for the feedback all. I will be posting an update soon.

Sincerely Yours,

-- Without Wax