Having panhandled for Mission money in the past, I sympathize with the man. However, if he simply was honest about his need for money, like say for booze or crack, I’d me more inclined to donate. 4:00pm is the cut off time for buying a bed a The Mission, wanted to say. “I’m sorry, I just got done paying rent,” I replied. A white man carrying a grocery bag is a prime target for panhandlers I guess.
... and I’ve run out of time, must leave for work...
When I started this blog over a year ago, a goal of mine was to show how a man like me stayed sober. By not posting to this blog, I haven’t really done that lately. I would also not recommend the method I’m currently using, which is not going to meetings, not seeking a sponsor, and working my ass off at work. However, tomorrow will be five months sober, so I’m not doing too badly.
Without Wax,
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